How to Draw People     "In Just A Week, YOU Can Learn To Draw A Realistic Pencil Portrait Even If You Have Never Drawn Before... And Impress Yourf Friends With Your New Found Instant Artictic Talent!" Christopher Sia is not only an excellent artist... he is an awesome teacher and can help you master the art of drawing people. Learn how to draw People Do you want to improve your drawing skills as fast as possible? You won’t have to read more art books and attend art courses for months or years... you can learn how to draw people in 8 easy steps Please allow me to share with you the easiest step by step tutorial to draw pencil portrait. Yes, a ‘truly’ step-by-step method from A-Z. “I’m too old to draw.” “Oh forget about it, I can’t draw!” Many people have voiced these and other objections, sometimes quite rudely. In reality, however, age, inexperienced, or a perceived lack of talent is no barrier to being able to draw the type of pencil portraits you have always wanted to. We all have artistic talent dormant in us. You can learn how to bring out that talent by trining Thanks to Christopher's easy techniques This e-book takes you from a blank sheet of paper to a complete drawing of Halle Berry. You will get to learn the 8 easy steps throughout the process of drawing.